Pixels of the Week – January 29, 2018

This content is 6 years old. Remember that the following content might be outdated.

Every week I post a lot of my daily readings about Web, UI and UX Design, mobile design, webdesign tools  and useful resources, inspiration on twitter and other social networks.

This week’s selection: a microinteractiosn CSS and JS framework, UX design (checkout, saying no, drag and drop, etc.),Gestalt principles for UI design, CSS animations, mobile speed entering Google ranking, webapp responsivement measurement, performance reality check, color and front-end tools

You can follow me on twitter to get a dose of links every days.

I published some projects

I found some time to update a few UI UX and WebDesign work:

TL;DNR the one you should not miss

#Tool #Interactions

Micron.js – a CSS JS library to help you with microinteractions 🙂

Interesting article

#UX / UI


5 exciting new HTML and CSS features to look forward to in 2018 Hum I wonder about CSS in body, I fear it will be misused as quick fix for lazy devs and we’ll gave again some maintainability nightmares :/


Just because your site isn’t for emerging markets, doesn’t excuse you from web performance optimisation. Reality check: you can’t trust 4G and wifi, nor can you trust devices.


Illustrating Balanced and Inclusive Teams at Atlassian

Inspiration, fun demos and Great ideas


18 top CSS animation examples, whooo

Webdesign news

#Adobe XD

January 2018 Update of Adobe XD: Dropbox, Zeplin support. Wondering if there will be an Invision support on day

#Google #Mobile

Starting in July 2018, page speed will be a ranking factor for mobile searches” – Google



Some quick plugin and keyboard shortcut tips: “7 Techniques for Better, Faster Layer Management in Sketch

Useful resources, tools and plugins that will make your life easy


The Colorbook, popular color palettes on Dribbble


  • You’re trying to make sense of all the shiny front-end build tools, too? A quick guide
  • Speedometer 2.0, a benchmark tool for web app responsiveness to help browser vendors optimize their browser engines for the modern Web.